01 Welcome

Welcome to this website and the glimpses it offers of our wonderful Cathedral. The first building was consecrated in 1665 and accommodated 300 worshippers. That building was destroyed by  Hurricane in 1780.  The present building was completed in 1789 and was damaged (not destroyed) again by Hurricane in 1831.  The Lady Chapel is in the new extension eastward from the High Altar and was consecrated in 1938.  The present Cathedral seats approximately 1600 persons and boasts of having the best and largest pipe organ in the Caribbean.

VISION STATEMENT: “To be a guiding light of Christ’s grace, justice, freedom and love.”

THEME FOR THE WEEK: “We demonstrate our fidelity to God by renouncing whatever does not lead to him.”

The Very Rev’d Dr. Jeffrey D. Gibson was appointment as Dean of the Cathedral of St. Michael and All Angels on February 1st, 2016.

Prior to that appointment Dean Gibson served curacies at St. Matthias and Christ Church Parish; Rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity (January 1, 1986 to June 30, 1994) and rector St. Leonard (July 1, 1994 to January 31, 2016).

Dean Gibson graduated in 1982 with a First Class Honours Degree in Theology from the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus; and a Diploma in Pastoral Studies from Codrington. In the following year he was awarded a Master of Theology Degree (Th.M.) from Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia, USA. In May 2015 earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree (DMin.) from the Graduate Theological Foundation, Indiana, USA.

In additional to parish work, he has served as a Part-time Lecturer in Christian Ethics at both his alma mater Codrington College (since September 1983) as well as the Barbados Community College (September 1987) . He has also rendered civic service in a number of areas, including as Chairman of the Board of Visitors of the Government Industrial Schools, Chairman of the Board of Management of the St. Leonard’s Boys’ Secondary School and Deputy Chairman of the Criminal Records (Rehabilitation of Offenders) Board.

In the Diocese of Barbados he is a member of the Synod Council; the Codrington College Development Committee; and on the regional scene, he is a member of the Provincial Standing Committee.

Dr. Gibson has been a keen sportsman through the years and has played competitive volleyball and cricket at various levels. He is a member of the Pickwick Cricket Club and a life member of the Barbados Cricket Association and has served the association as chaplain from time to time. During the Cricket World Cup 2007 he led a relatively successful Cricket Mission and St. Leonard became the venue for several events which addressed issues pertaining to the residents who were impacted by the redevelopment of Kensington Oval.

Dr. Gibson is married to the former Rosemary Bentham (1985) and they are the parents of two daughters Leah and Joelle.