11 Church News & Notices

  • Cathedral News


BICENTENNIAL GIFT: As the Anglican Church in Barbados prepares to celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2024, so too will the St. Michael Parish Church celebrate the 200th anniversary of its designation as the Cathedral of the Diocese.  Gifts in celebration of this significant milestone would be greatly appreciated. Envelopes are available for everyone’s convenience. Thanks for your generous gift.

Sincere thanks to everyone for their presence, prayers, and pledges. Members who may be behind in their contributions are encouraged to get up to date, as their circumstances permit. Meantime, the order for 2024 Offering Envelopes has already been placed.
The Offering of Money is an opportunity to give generously to the Cathedral in response to God‟s generosity. There are several ways to give regularly; in particular, in keeping with the invitation of Paul to the Church of God at Corinth (1 Cor. 16:2), members of the Cathedral can give weekly. However, persons can also do so monthly. Envelopes are provided in both cases. Cheques may also be written to St. Michael’s Cathedral and mailed to the Cathedral’s Office, St. Michael’s Row, Bridgetown, St. Michael, Barbados. In addition, persons may make a Direct Debit to St. Michael’s Cathedral via CIBC First Caribbean International Bank, Bridgetown Branch, Account #2719302, Transit #09606.
WEEKLY BULLETIN ELECTRONICALLY:  At a recently held meeting of the Parochial Church Council, the decision was made to produce the weekly bulletin electronically from March 5, 2023. Members are encouraged to use the digital format or the CPWI Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal. To facilitate the smooth transition of this process we need members to update their records – both email addresses and WhatsApp numbers – with the Administrative Assistant at The Cathedral Office.  Thank you for your kind consideration and cooperation.
SECONDMENT: From February 1, 2024, The Rev‘d Canon Dr. Von Watson will relinquish the Rectorship of the parish of St. Andrew for eighteen months, to serve full time, as Canon Missioner. Meanwhile, the recently retired Rector of St. Lucy, the Rev‘d Canon Curtis Goodridge, will serve as Priest-in-Charge of St. Andrew.
CALLING FOR CARERS: We are looking for members of the Cathedral who are interested in being involved in the Lay Pastoral Care ministry. If you are not currently involved in a ministry, this might be a good opportunity to share your skills with the sick, home-bound and the bereaved. Persons should be communicants in good standing and also satisfy the following criteria:  accessibility, stability, empathy, and confidentiality. The necessary training will be provided. Please contact The Dean.
APPRECIATION: The Dean, Parochial Church Council and members of the Cathedral take this opportunity to record sincere thanks to Ms. Harriet Lowe for her service as Assistant Verger. God‘s blessing and best wishes are extended for a happy and healthy retirement.
DIOCESAN CALENDARS: The Diocesan Calendars for 2024 are available from the Cathedral Office during the eek and on Sundays from the designated persons, at the price of $6.00 each.

FLOWER GUILD APPEAL: The Church will be celebrating Rogation Sunday on May 5th , with a flower and harvest festival. Donations towards the flowers would be greatly appreciated, with thanks.

BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS – CATHEDRAL-REVITALIZATION 2024 and Beyond:  Through Mission, Ministry, Maintenance and Money, this campaign promises to provide occasions to revitalize the Cathedral‘s heritage; to strengthen congregational vitality; and to build the Church for tomorrow. All are invited to get involved and to recommend the programme to others, especially persons who were nurtured in this sacred place.

i. Mission: There is a plan to reach the children who were baptized in the Cathedral since September 29, 2006 and to invite them to worship during May, Child-month. Parents, grandparents and godparents are asked to play a key role in this initiative. Ministry: In the month of April, members and friends will be asked to submit their Top 20 Hymns (T20 Hymns) and contribute twenty dollars ($20.00). At a time to be announced, there will be an occasion to sing the favourite hymns of the Cathedral.

ii. Ministry: In the month of April, members and friends will be asked to submit their Top 20 Hymns (T20 Hymns) and contribute twenty dollars ($20.00). At a time to be announced, there will be an occasion to sing the favourite hymns of the Cathedral.

iii. Maintenance: Repairs to the northern balcony and beautification of the graveyard have started.

iv. Money: The Cathedral, like all institutions, needs money in order to fulfil its mission and ministry. The following approaches will be pursued:

A). Proportionate Giving – All members are asked to contribute from their personal resources as a sign of their devotion to the Lords‘ work on a regular schedule. The Biblical Tithe is a standard by which we measure our offerings. However, even if one is not at that level yet, it is the principle of percentage giving that is encouraged.

B). Gifts in celebration of this significant milestone would be greatly appreciated. In particular, there is a two hundred dollar ($200.00) challenge to each member, to be presented at this year‘s Patronal Festival, September 29, 2024.

C). There will be an appeal to the general public to support the Cathedral financially. Donation Cards will be prepared and members will be invited to solicit donations from relatives, friends and wellwishers. Thanks in anticipation of your cooperation and generous gifts.


This campaign aims to revitalize the Cathedral’s heritage; to strengthen congregational vitality; and to build the Church for tomorrow. All are invited to get involved and to recommend the programme to others, especially persons who were nurtured in this sacred place.

This month: Polo Shirts; T20 Hymns (Registration Sheets are available) Next Month, May 5 – Rogationtide Service (Harvest in The City) May 26 – Baptized invited to church Ongoing: $200.00 Challenge – Gift to be presented, at the Patronal Festival, September 29, 2024 (Registration Cards are available).

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Sincere thanks to The Guild of Health and St. Raphael for their kind donation of food items to the Deacons cupboard over the weekend. These items will assist us in our community outreach programme.  Sincere thanks also to The Rev’d Winston Crichlow for a donation of US 1,840.00 (BBD $3,638.50). This includes a gift, in equal portions to the Cathedral Clergy, and the balance for the Cathedral, ―to be used in any useful way or ways, as The Dean may determine.


SICK: Please remember the sick and injured of our parish and wider community, especially Margaret Browne, Elsie Brunson, Colleen Byer, Courtney Carrington, Darwin Clarke, Henderson Downes, Alice P. Hall, Jonathan Holder, Marcia Hoyte, Selina Jones, Helena Lyte, Jeffrey Mascoll, Marlene Moore, Roland McCollin, Clyde Outram, Veronica Sandals (USA), Sylvester “Blues” Sargeant, Sheila Sealy, Phyllis Springer, Winifred Trotman, The Rev’d Stephanie-Ann Wedderburn, Ernesta Yarde and George Yearwood.


We extend sincere condolences to the families of the late:

  • Ms. Miriam Barrow
  • Mr. Kerwin Benn
  • Mr. Stephen Brathwaite (former Managing Director – The Nation Publishing Co. Ltd.)
  • Mr. George Cox
  • Mr. Mark Miller
  • Mr. Wadey Morris (St. Vincent)
  • Mr. Samuel Wilkinson

May you know the blessedness of those who mourn.

THE ST. MICHAEL CENTRE FOR FAITH AND ACTION (SMCFA) Sincere thanks to all who supported the 7 th anniversary service of The St. Michael Centre for Faith and Action that was held in the Cathedral last Sunday evening. In observance of the week, The Centre made provision for the donation of twenty-five (25) Bibles to the following primary schools: George Lamming, St. Michael; West Terrace, St. James; and Welches, St. Thomas.

 BALCONY REPAIRS: The Parochial Church Council, in collaboration with the Barbados Diocesan Trustees, will soon commence work on the northern balcony. All efforts will be made to protect the safety of worshippers while work is in progress. Meantime, everyone is asked to respect the signage. Donations would be greatly appreciated.

STEWARDSHIP: Sincere thanks to all who have submitted their Initial Offering. To date, we have received $4,240.00. Please note that this year‘s envelopes cost $3,507.04. Persons who have not made their contribution as yet are asked to do so as soon as possible.



God the Father, who made all things for love of us, have mercy on us. God the Son, who suffered all things for love of us, have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, who fills our quiet with His love, have mercy on us. Blessed Julian, lover of the Holy Trinity, pray for us. Amen.

Julian (1343-1413) is the most popular of the English mystics. She lived as a Benedictine nun in Norwich, beside the St. Julian Church, from which she most likely took her name. Little is known about Julian‘s life, although she is mentioned by her contemporary, Margery Kempe. Early in her life Julian prayed and asked God for three gifts: (1) a closer experience of the passion; (2) a physical illness; and, (3) ‗wounds‘ – the wound of contrition, the wound of compassion, and the wound of earnest longing for God.

As a result of a near-death experience, it seems that all three of the gifts were granted to Julian. She recorded these sixteen visions (also known as showings or revelations) in the book she authored, ―The Revelations of Divine Love.‖ After her initial showings, God remained a constant presence for this 14th-century anchoress. Her prayer life grew stronger as she prefaced her thinking with phrases like, ―Our beloved brought all this to my mind and showed me these words: I am the ground of all your praying.‖

She also has a unique way or referring to her connection with God by using words that to our modern ears are strange. For example, she used ―oned‖ and ―one-ing‖ as in ―we are always and forever oned with our Beloved‖ and ―the love of God creates in us such a oneing that when it is truly seen, no person can separate themselves from another.‖ Here she was describing the divine union, an encounter with God, that can remind us of the verse in the gospel of John, ―On that day, you will know that you are in me and I am in you‖ (John 14:20).


1. God wants to love us and to partner with us so that ―His kingdom come.‖ How can we let go during this Lenten season so that we can grow closer to this invitation?

2. What is the crisis in our lives that is giving us an opportunity to ask God for grace and mercy?

3. Let us give thanks and rejoice in our pain and sorrow so that like Julian we may experience God‘s everlasting love.

3. Design a personal plan which you can use on Wednesday in Holy week outside of the church gathering.
DEACONS’ CUPBOARD: Members are reminded to support the Deacons‟ Cupboard ministry, through which the Cathedral is able to provide relief to persons in need of food. Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the cupboard. Place all gifts in the basket at the West Door. Please help those in need. Thank you.
From the First Sunday of Advent, December 3, 2023. The Church in the Province of the West Indies will admit to Holy Communion, all persons who have been baptized. Consequently, parents, guardians and the Church in general, would be required to nurture children for their integration into the Communicant life of the parish. The sacrament of Confirmation will be administered, more as a public affirmation of faith, than as the basis for admission to Holy Communion. For more information, please visit the Province Website at www.cpwianglicans.org
       “Cast all your anxiety on him, because he cares for you.”

THE DAILY OFFICES:  The recitation of Morning and Evening prayers forms part of the discipline of clergy and laity. The Daily Office can also serve as a personal or family discipline. 

Please note the links to the St. Michael’s Cathedral below:



Ministry Today: The following basic ministries will be sustained during the emergency period: Administration (Human Resources, Financial and Property management); Christian Education (Bible study, etc.); Pastoral Services (Prayer, Counsel and Bereavement Support); Social Outreach (Deacon’s Cupboard, SMCFA); and Worship (Streaming of services, Family worship, Daily Devotion).

Gift List: In addition to monetary gifts, members and well-wishers are also encouraged to donate towards the Vestments, Paraments and Linens of the Cathedral. The following are needed at this time:

The following are needed at this time:

1. Rose Cope and Stole – $1,200.00

2. Pulpit and Lectern Hangings (Blue/Pink)

3. Altar Frontals

4. Altar Linens (corporals, purificators, towels)

5. Video Equipment (cameras, cabling and monitors) 6. Trays

Thank you for your generosity and may God bless everyone, as together, we work to be faithful stewards of His bounty.

“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Stewardship Education and Development through the Year

Christian stewardship involves a responsible management of the financial affairs of the church, as well as those of an individual or family. It also entails the generous use of talents and responsible use of time in the service of God and people.

1. Why should we give? We give in response to the goodness of God, who in creation has given of the Divine self (Genesis 1:26-31); and in redemption, his Son (John 3:16).

2. What should we give? Be a proportionate giver: the Biblical tithe – 10 percent is the benchmark (Genesis 14:18-20) Leviticus 27:30); however, there can be no limit to our generosity (2 Corinthians 9:6-9) and (Matthew 23:23-24).

3. How can we persuade others to give? Make a personal commitment to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, through regular prayer, attendance at worship, and a daily life of stewardship of God’s creation. We may also follow the example of the early Christians, who pooled their resources and supported the work of other Christian communities (Acts 4:32-5:11; Romans 15:22-29; 1 Thessalonians 1:7-8; 2 Corinthians 9:1-15).

4. How are we doing? The Cathedral currently has 150 weekly and 155 registered monthly subscribers, respectively. On September 30th, 2021, the following is the state of affairs: percentage envelopes used and returned: Monthly 75 % and Weekly 54 %. Of the Cathedral givers:

Monthly: 51 give $100 or more; 26 between $50 and $99; 12 between $20 and $49; 2 between $19 and $10; and none $5 or under.

Weekly: 5 give over $100 or more; 2 between $50 and $99; 20 between $20 and $49; 13 between $19 and $10; and 11 $5 or under.

Thank you for your 2021 financial contribution to the stewardship of the Cathedral. Offering envelopes for your 2022 commitment are available. The number on the envelope is a means of recording your contributions. Again, sincere thanks for making stewardship a way of life.

1. Thanks! Sincere thanks to the officers and members of the St. Michael’s Cathedral Ushers’ Guild for their contribution of $5,000.00 towards the provision of Video Equipment. It was their Gift-Month donation.

2. The St, Michael Centre for Faith and Action:

i. The Board of Trustees of The Centre would like to place on record their heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to the successful hosting of the annual Festival Forum on Thursday, October 28th, 2021. The topic was, “Church Unusual: Whosoever Can, Will Come … COVID-19 – Challenges – Changes”. The presentation from the Rt. Rev’d Mark E. W. Edington was enlightening and engaging; the responders Ms. Ella Hoyos and the Rev’d Shaquille Charles grounded the topic in Caribbean reality; and the proceedings were excellently moderated by Dr. Sharon Marshall. It attracted a diverse audience from Barbados, the Caribbean and the Caribbean Diaspora, in North America and Europe. Thanks also to Mr. David Springer for skillfully managing the technical aspects of the event. If you missed the live session, please note that it is available on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.

Parochial Church Council: Further to the recently held Annual Parish Meeting, the Parochial Church Council for the term which will end on February 28, 2023 will comprise the following:

Ex-Officio: Mr. Darw in Clarke, Mr. Samuel Maxwell and Dr. Wendy Sealy, Synod Representatives; and, Ms. Donna Inniss, Alternate Synod Representative

Mr. Victor Gittens, Mr. Darnley King, Mr. Trevor King, Mr. David Murray, Ms. Donnah Russell, and Mr. Victor Sylvester.

Ms. Jennifer Benn, Mrs. Juno Burrows, Ms. Deidre Cox, Ms. Harriet Clarke, Mr. Jabari Jones, and Ms. Renee Thomas.

We give thanks for the ministry of Mrs. Judy King and Mr. Ian C. Weekes who served on the Council during the previous term, and we look forward to their ongoing service in other areas of the church’s witness, work, and worship.

Thy Kingdom Come global prayer movement: Members are encouraged to join with other Christians across the globe in praying for people to know Jesus. This is an annual wave of prayer during Ascensiontide. Please see the link below.


Diocesan Calendars: The 2021 Diocesan Calendars are available through the offices of the Administrative Assistant, at the price of $6.00 each.


Virus as a Summons to Faith; Biblical Reflections in a Time of Loss, Grief, and Uncertainty, Brueggemann, Walter (Paternoster: Thinking Faith, 2020)

We shall be changed. Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church, Edited by Mark D. W. Edington (Church Publishing Incorporated 2020)

God and The Pandemic: A Christian Reflection on the Coronavirus and Its Aftermath, N.T. Wright (Zondervan Reflective 2020)

The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online, Heidi A. Campbell, Editor (e-book). College Station, Tx: Digital Religion Publications, 2020.

Candles in the Dark: Faith, hope and love in a time of pandemic, Rowan Williams, SPCK Publishing 2020

Gifts, Memorials and Thanksgiving: Members are invited to donate items for use in worship in memory of loved ones who have passed, and to celebrate birthdays, wedding and confirmation anniversaries and other achievements. Donation options may also include flowers to decorate the church on First Sundays or during the Church’s Festivals.

❖ Flowers                             $150 – $200 per week
❖ Wafers                              $55.00 per box
❖ Wine                                 $105.00 per case
❖ Votive Candles                $15.00 per set of ten (10)
❖ Votive candle holders   $82.50 per case
❖ Water for Dispenser      $27.15 per bottle

To offer your donation, you may contact the Administrative Assistant.

Church Army: Ms. Donnah Russell recently assumed the post of Captain of the St. Michael ‘s Cathedral Church Army. She succeeds, her mother, Captain Evelyn Jackman. Congratulations and best wishes in this new role as leader. The ministry of the Church Army involves, among other in things: the proclamation of the Gospel by word as well as by deed; bringing all persons into unity with God and each other in Christ; and promoting justice, peace and love in all places.

Daily Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer as part of their growth in righteousness, and of having a right relationship with God and their neighbours. The Book of Common Prayer is a symbol of unity in the Church in the Province of the West Indies and we stand in solidarity with other believers from across the Anglican Communion. The Cycle of Readings for the Daily Office affords persons the opportunity to read significant portions of Scripture throughout the year.  Pray for grace at this time!

Memorials and Thanksgiving: The following may be offered as a memorial or thanksgiving:
 Flowers $150.00 – $200 per week
 Wafers $ 55.00 per box
 Wine (case) $105.00 per case
If you wish to donate any of the above items in memory of your loved ones, flowers to decorate the church for First Sundays or for our Patronal Festival, which will be soon here, you can contact the Administrative Assistant, along with your donation.

Guild of St. Raphael: A branch of the Guild of St. Raphael was commissioned in the Cathedral on Sunday, December 03, 2017. The Convener is Mr. Darwin Clarke and the Secretary is Ms. Kurlyne Alleyne. Members observe a simple rule of prayer, study and work for this ministry, aiming always to promote Christ’s ministry of healing – healing of the whole person. The Guild will meet in corporate worship on the first Wednesday of each month at the Public Service of Healing.

Fire Wardens: Some measures have been taken to enhance the Safety and Security of the premises: the installation of Electronic Surveillance Cameras, Smoke Detectors, and Fire Extinguishers. The next phase is Emergency Management. Towards that end, the Church has invited members to serve as Fire Wardens in the event of an emergency. The following persons have indicated their willingness to service:
Mrs. Valdine E. Browne       Mrs. Judy King
Mrs. Juno Burrows               Mr. Trevor King
Mr. Goulbourne Drakes       Ms. Coral Riley
Mr. Paul Blackman               Mr. Stephen Smith
Mrs. Harriett  Blackman      Mrs. Margaret Watson
Mr. Keith Worrell


Annual Parish Meeting: The Synod Council at its February meeting passed a resolution which authorised the postponement of the Annual Parish meetings across the Diocese, until they can be lawfully convened and as the Bishop shall direct. This decision was made in view of the current restrictions, which limit the number of people who can assemble in public gatherings. Consequently, the term of the Parochial Church members, including the Lay Synod Representatives, has been extended until such time as the meeting is held. Meantime, any vacancies which might occur before that time, will be filled in accordance with Regulation D4: 17 of the Constitution, Canons and Regulations of the Diocese.

The Appointment of New Chancellor: Ms. Sadie Dixon has been appointed the new Chancellor of Diocese, effective August 1, 2021. Ms. Dixon is an Attorney-at-Law and has been in the practice for some 27 years. She is the Legal Counsel at the Central Bank of Barbados. She holds a Master of Laws with Distinction from the University of Warwick (UK), a Bachelor of Laws with Honours from the University of the West Indies as well as a certificate in Legislative Drafting from the University of London’s Institute of Advanced Legal Studies. Ms. Dixon is currently a registered communicant and active member of the Church of the Holy Trinity.

The Rev’d Stephanie-Ann Wedderburn: The Rev’d Stephanie-Ann Wedderburn will be appointed Part-time Assistant Priest at St Michael’s Cathedral effective September 1, 2021. We wish her the very best as she transitions to the exercise of her ministry within the context of the city.

Coronavirus, COVID–19 Guidelines: From Sunday, March 8, 2020 the following came into effect until the Bishop indicates otherwise:

1. Physical interaction during services, including the Sign of Peace, shaking hands on entry or departure of religious services/gatherings should be suspended until further notice.

2. Everyone administering Holy Communion should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand gel, before beginning.

3. Holy Communion should be administered in one kind only: under the species of Bread and placed onto the hands of the recipient only and not onto the tongue.

4. Suspend direct physical contact as part of a blessing or ‘laying on of hands.’

5. Clergy will not be visiting members who have influenza-type symptoms; instead, pastoral support for parishioners who are unable to attend church services should be provided by telephone, or social media.

6. Parishioners who feel ill and display influenza-like symptoms should stay at home.

Appointments:  Members are asked to note the following appointments of clergy to serve as Priests-in-Charge, as announced by Bishop Maxwell:

The Rev’d Canon DeVere Murrell – the Parish Church of St. John, January 1 – February 29, 2020.
The Rev’d Canon Seibert Small – Parish Church of St. Andrew, January 1 – April 30, 2020
The Rev’d Graveney Bannister – the Parish of St. Clement and St. Swithun, January 1 – April 30, 2020.
The Rev’d Dr. Michael Clarke – the Parish of Holy Cross, January 1 – April 30, 2020.
The Rev’d Canon Wayne Isaacs – the Parish of St Mary, January 1 – April 30, 2020.

Ordination To The Diaconate: The Rev’d Roslyn Harper-Johnson, formerly of the Methodist Church, who has been on a three-month period of orientation into our Anglican faith and liturgical practices, will be ordained to the diaconate on the Feast of the Confession of St Peter, Saturday, January 18, 2020 at the Church of St. Mary, at 5:00 P.M. Your prayers and presence are requested. Please inform your congregations of this service of ordination.

New Archbishop: During the recently concluded Fortieth Triennial Synod of the Church in the Province of the West Indies, held in Port of Spain in the Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago, the Rt. Rev’d Dr. Howard Gregory, Bishop of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands was elected as the Archbishop, Primate and Metropolitan of the Province. Before being elected Bishop of Jamaica in 2012, Archbishop Gregory served as the President of his alma mater, the United Theological College of the West Indies (UTCWI), and Suffragan Bishop of Montego Bay (2002), Please pray for him in his new ministry as leader of the regional church, amidst the worldwide Anglican Communion.